Heights of Abraham


This sunny Autumn term break day our family enjoyed a day out with great friends! Heights of Abraham is a beautiful location positioned high up in the Peak District mountains. This place became a tourist destination in Victorian times after lead was mined from the deep caverns for over 200 years prior.

We began our ascent inside an enclosed cable car. This I was not quite sure about but was pleasantly surprised with the spectacular views of colourful Autumn leaves and the racing river several feet below! Cable cars keep you on your feet since they do not stop and you must hop off!

There were two caves which we toured. One had many steps and some short passageways. The lights dim for a bit during the tour to demonstrate just how little light candles provided the miners. Another cavern we toured had a automated show, using wax figures, which told the history of the mines and family life. The men did the heavy mining and the women did the heavy lifting as they pulled barrels containing about 80 kg of lead and rock up 120 feet! 😬 Children worked these mines starting in age 10. Therefore, we told our son we should put him to work. 😉

As the mines shifted to become tourist attractions, former miners would lower Victorian tourists in a bucket into the cavern with one candle. Once they reached the cavern floor, the person was free to roam the near seven miles of tunnels. Unfortunately the candle only provided light for only 10 minutes and then screams of those wandering could be heard! The miner would gladly sell them another candle and lead the tourist out. 🥴

A Victorian Tower begged to be explored and I ended up climbing twice to the very top! We viewed many colourful rocks and gems in one gift shop. The kids loved the long slide down the mountain! Yet our daughter said she wasn’t so keen climbing back up!

Each of us brought a packed lunch to share before warming up on this brisk day with a fresh cuppa. The pace of our day was great because we were able to chat and catch up on our walks between exhibits. So thankful we are for this memorable and enjoyable day out…all 21 of us!

Axe Throwing!


Last night I tried my hand at axe throwing for the first time in 30 years (I guess that dates myself)…and oh what fun it was! Today, of course, my shoulders are a bit stiff and sore but the experience was worth it!

A dear friend of mine requested her friends help celebrate with this unique experience! Very close to us is TimberJacks which is a warehouse setup with many axe throwing lanes.

When entering you fill out a computerised waiver, then gather together to listen to rules, and away you throw! 😉 All of us grouped into threes or fours and, after several practise throws, competed against each other when scoring our throws.

Let me be the first to tell you, as there were three throws per round, there were sometimes when I didn’t score at all. However, I still got two bulls-eyes! I would say this a great bonding experience and I was excited to help my friend celebrate whilst getting acquainted with new friends! Happy Birthday today, dear friend!

Harvest & Music Medals


This morning was our final time to enjoy Harvest Assembly at our son’s primary school. The children sang many songs which we have heard through the years, such as “Conkers” and “Cauliflowers Fluffy” (my favourite). In addition children recited poetry, played instruments, and gave thanks. There was a beautiful display of the donations brought in for charity.

Our daughter was also with us this morning. She was requested to return from her high school in order to be presented with the Music Medal which she earned last year (her final year of primary school). It was great to have the opportunity to see her friends from last year and visit with their parents once again!

We are extremely proud of her since she had only set in her mind to earn a Music Medal in recorder during her final year (many children begin younger)! Since she put her mind to it, and practised regularly, she earned her Bronze Music Award! Well done, Cora!

Harvest Celebration


This morning we returned to Kirkstall St. Stephens for the annual Harvest Celebration! Our daughter was invited due to Guides walking the flags to the front. Although she was not chosen to do so today, we enjoyed sitting with friends, giving thanks to the Lord, and worshipping in our local community! Churches here in England celebrate Harvest as a time of thanksgiving for God’s provision and sharing with those in need.

During the second hymn, everyone who brought food walked it forward to the altar. It is quite appropriate to give a portion of the food our Lord provides to those who are in need. The donations brought to the church fill the cupboards of local food banks.

There was also a time of communion during this service. I learned that if you are not comfortable receiving communion (no matter the reason…common cup, etc.) you can still go forward holding the communion book and kneel at the altar. This indicates to the Vicar to place his hand upon your shoulder and say a blessing over you (usually a verse from a Psalm).

Afterwards we stayed for a cuppa and a natter, for which we were extra thankful as the tea and conversation warmed us on this cool rainy Harvest Sunday!

Asked to Be Godparents!


Today we were blessed to be a part of baby Charlotte’s spiritual life! She was christened at Kirkstall St. Stephens where we joined in the ceremony along with four other godparents! As godparents, Ryan and I are committing to be a part of her lifelong spiritual formation. And we couldn’t be more delighted!

I enjoyed the symbolic ceremony which includes prayers, lighting a candle to represent the light of Christ, and anointing Charlotte with oil as well as water. Our hope and prayer is for her to grow up knowing about Christ and later she will choose to follow Him as she grows in her personal understanding.

Following this ceremony in a historic church, which just turned 190 years old, we crossed the road to the church hall. Here we visited and ate delicious food whilst the children played. Everyone enjoyed taking it in turns to hold Charlotte. She is likely to sleep well tonight! We are thankful for the blessing of having her mother and older sister in Kirkstall Fellowship weekly and welcoming her into our community!